Senior Walk

The goal of a Senior Walk is to give each senior a unique opportunity to physically walk back through the school that they attended (or may not have) during their earlier years. Seniors will be able to see former teachers, classmates, administrators that played a vital role in their early school years. It will allow them to recall fond memories that they had within the school walls. Even more so, it will allow elementary and middle school students to see what their future has in store for them, have something to look forward to, and a chance to celebrate and cheer on the Seniors.

ANY Senior at ANY High School may attend these events; you do NOT have to have been a former student. Please plan to arrive 10-15 early to be lined up. You are MORE than welcome to participate in more than one walk to celebrate your accomplishments with elementary and middle school children. 

Seniors, please wear your Cap and Gown. Please see Ms. Saige at Organ Mountain High School for more information - 575-527-9430.